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An Obeya, what is that?

An Obeya is a digital and physical environment that is set up to help management and employees get an overview of the organization's strategy and performance. Visual management combined with up-to-date management and business information is the core of a well-functioning Obeya. In addition, everyone is watching (and standing!) at the same time to the same information. This makes decision-making easier and contributes to an open way of working together.

Imagine works with the Obeya specialists in the Netherlands.
Obeya is Japanese for “big room” or “war room” where all information is available to everyone

The benefits of the Obeya

What does an Obeya provide for organizations? Here are some of the benefits you can expect:

How does the Obeya work in practice?

At Imagine, we conduct weekly Obeya meetings where we go through all relevant topics. Updates, results, and topic progress are tracked on physical boards. The topics covered are Sales, Projects, Talent, Marketing, the calendar of important events, Performance and OKRs from Imagine itself and colleagues. Responsible team members share updates on each board and everyone gets the opportunity to ask questions and provide valuable input.
Image Source: Obeya Association

Customer application

At Imagine, we have successfully applied the Obeya method to various customers. For example, at a company that integrated the Obeya into their agile transformation project. The implementation of Obeya has improved collaboration among executive members by providing visibility into relevant information and enabling fast, collective decision-making.

Wondering if an Obeya could work in your organization?

Get in touch