An effective digital marketing strategy for ZeroPackaging, a sustainable packaging specialist
ZeroPackaging designs and produces customized packaging solutions without an ecological impact. In addition, they provide advice on making the supply chain more sustainable.

“I would recommend Imagine because they are really able to take your online marketing to the next level. They know the stuff, but they also have the manpower to get it done.”

Joost van Andel, Founder Paxpring

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Zero Packaging is the sustainable label of the packaging company Paxpring, which was set up in 2021. The challenge of ZeroPackaging is to reach the right target group: cosmetics, consumer electronics and high-end clothing companies. How can ZeroPackaging better reach these target groups with a thorough digital marketing strategy?


Imagine helps ZeroPackaging define and implement a digital marketing strategy. A strategy that knows how to market the label well, focuses on the right target group and reaches more customers from the cosmetics, consumer electronics and clothing sectors, the so-called “growth diamonds”. Imagine helps ZeroPackaging continuously implement the strategy and carry out online marketing activities such as website development, content creation, data analysis, social media management and digital advertising management.


In collaboration with ZeroPackaging, Imagine has developed an extensive strategic plan including a digital roadmap. This strategic plan still guides the activities and initiatives. Resulting in great online visibility and a continuous stream of interesting leads.

See how ZeroPackaging experienced working with Imagine

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