Governing is looking ahead with the help of a digital roadmap
De Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce) in the Netherlands offers information and support to companies and organizations. Her legal tasks focus on registering, informing and advising companies and organizations.
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Overseeing which digital initiatives are planned is a challenge for many (medium) large organizations. Linking these initiatives with KVK's organizational goals would help to see whether goals can actually be achieved. It will also be possible to see which initiatives overlap or are still missing, and which should be brought forward over time. How do you create a digital roadmap and what is the best strategy to get this digital roadmap up and running properly?


During the analysis phase, Imagine identified the wishes together with all KVK's digital business owners. In the second instance, it was determined how these wishes relate to the KvK goals and to the digital strategy. Using a Digital Roadmap, an overview of current and future digital initiatives, KVK can now plan ahead for the longer term. It is now possible to identify and address bottlenecks at an early stage so that the intended results can be achieved. In a number of work sessions with the digital business owners, better and more realistic versions of the Digital Roadmap were developed. The Digital Roadmap was then implemented including working methods and agreements where the business owners continue to provide input on a regular basis.


The Digital Roadmap is now an integral part of KVK's business operations. In this way, the progress of all digital initiatives is monitored and updated quarterly. The transferred agreements and tools for a Digital Roadmap are placed with the logical strategic portfolio management owner of KVK, so that resource allocation and prioritization take place at a central level.

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