Recruiting and retaining digital talent through online Hubs
The Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce) in the Netherlands offers information and support to companies and organizations. Her legal tasks focus on registering, informing and advising companies and organizations.
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For a successful digital transformation, it is very important to recruit and retain digital talent within your organization. This is also the case for KVK! This proved to be a challenge, given the current scarcity of digital professionals in the labor market. How do we recruit and retain the best digital talent for KVK?


Imagine carried out an internal and external analysis during the scan phase. Based on insights gained from employees, internal processes, and knowledge of industry best practices, personalized programs are designed for digital talent. These programs - the Referral Program, the Onboarding Hub and the Personal Development Hub - each focus on optimizing part of the employee journey (recruitment, onboarding, development).


The referral program encouraged employees to actively encourage their own network to work at KVK, reaching the target number of digital professionals early, the Onboarding Hub was named the place to retrieve information for each new KVK member, and the Personal Development Hub independently facilitated the KVK employee in creating his or her personal development path.

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