GVB's position within Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
GVB (formerly abbreviation for: Municipal Transport Company) is a Dutch public transport company and provides public transport in the municipalities of Amsterdam, Diemen and Duivendrecht, part of the municipality of Ouder-Amstel.
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The Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a rapidly emerging form of service that enables consumers to plan, book and pay for multiple types of mobility services via a shared digital channel. The goal? Increasing the convenience of transportation for consumers in today's complex cities. Various public carriers are thinking about mobility as a service, but in what form is a challenge for many. GVB also has this wish and therefore asked Imagine to define strategic advice on what role MaaS should play in GVB's future.


Imagine has thoroughly analyzed the transport landscape through in-depth market research, industry-wide interviews and a fire lab with management.


Based on the insights obtained, Imagine has provided an extensive strategic advisory report. For example, the GVB was supported in determining its strategic role for the future within the transport landscape. Imagine was able to provide GVB's management with advice about the potential risks and value of MaaS.

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